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  • Writer's pictureMyron Jose' Agius

What is Media Freedom?

In simple terms, media freedom is the ability to the press and also societies to be able to publish freely without any censorship or restraints from the government. This is in fact a fundamental right. In the 21st century, we can see that the media has become a necessity in most people's lives. We can see that there is an uproar in social media sites, blogs, and online news as if it is something that controls what we do when we are out and about, at work, or even as students. Thanks to the improvements in the media field, we have the opportunity to raise our voice, express our opinion and also argue with other people around the world about any issue we strongly believe in. This is why most people argue that the media has given people more freedom of speech.

Of course there are many controversial opinions regarding the matter that people are able to speak more freely. Many people that because of the right to say whatever you need to say especially on social media, this might end up hurting the people on the other side of the screen. Furthermore, these people claim that even though Media Freedom is a healthy exercise, there should always be a limit to how a person should freely talk. In addition to this, the question arises as to, 'Is Media actually free?' and; 'Should it be free?'. The improvements of media freedom and social media have rapidly arised so much that certain issues remain to be unclear or controversial. the subject is so vast that certain decisions and morals are different from one situation to the next as a lot of factors contribute to what is correct and what isn't.

A big issue contributing to Media freedom is the ongoing saga between journalists, and the government wanting to hide certain truths. Of course the government is very powerful in a country and would like to have control over everything that is going on especially certain classified data. If this classified data leaks, journalists, as it is not just their job but their passion, are always trying to get to big headlines together with fruitful stories first before any other competitor does so. Certain stories as we know might not be so easy to read especially if dealing with certain inhumane events like murders and slaughter. This is where media freedom comes in. Journalists have a right to let their readers know what is going on in the world even if the events they are reporting are sensitive to the public's eye.

Media Freedom is therefore needed, as without it, we would not be given a right to voice our opinions whilst it also allow journalists to work more freely and without being scared of what they write, say and do. However, there should also be an ethical limit as to what we say especially when we are writing from behind a screen as what we might say, might offend other people and even affect them in a very bad way. My advice would be to speak about what we care about as long as we are well informed about the subject at hand to ensure that what we are saying actually makes sense. Apart from this, the most important thing is to be sensible to our audiences and read the room one is speaking in to make sure that everyone understands what is going on, just the same as everyone being able to discuss in a calm, harmonic and mature way without unnecessary arguments.

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